
AJ’s been busy writing new stuff and has had no time to think about this.  It’s an excuse I know that, but when the bug hits you take advantage of it.  I must say that it’s turning out very different than either AJ or myself expected.

There are over 120K words and we are nearing the end of my introduction story.  My coming of age I guess is the best way to put it.  Though it still feels like three books and not one based on the events that happen.

It needs a lot of work still.   I had some fundamental character changes that AJ made during the beginning of the story that need to be incorporated into the full of the story.  Showing needs to be upped instead of telling.  But at least this story will be over and AJ doesn’t have a new one in the works yet.

Tho I think it’s coming.  There are some thoughts brewing – a few minor characters that will be added for the next story.  Maybe it’ll help keep AJs’s mind where it belongs – on me :P

Anyway sorry I’ve been absent.  I’ll likely be absent for a few more days while AJ finishes up the third part of this story for the first time.



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