• Fate


    Fate had a way of bringing people together. I recognized the pack carried by the man at the end of the alley. He dropped our things as he picked up the gross-looking creature, but it was the way the beautiful boy pleaded with me and the other man’s voice pervading my thoughts. Here he was…

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  • A Friend in Me

    A Friend in Me

    I looked at him with pleading eyes. I could feel my lip quivering. The man with the blue eyes stared back at me. “Please, don’t let him kill the boggle.”

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  • Taking Help

    Taking Help

    Rosana nodded. “I’m looking for a boy about sixteen. Half elf who creates a very special elixir that apparently he brews from Boggle oil. You wouldn’t know where any boggles are?”

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  • Helping Rosana

    Helping Rosana

    The red head was wary of her advances and Miranda understood. New city — new dangers. But this woman looked like she could handle herself. And after she offered to help, the woman looked at Miranda with even more caution. A devastating smile swept across Miranda’s lips and she winked with a seductive lick of…

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  • Don’t Hurt It

    Don’t Hurt It

    Blue eyes stared at me. My side aches and I found it hard to breathe. Whether it was from the blow or from the intense state of the man in front of me, I didn’t know. He was beautiful.

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  • Fitting Punishment

    Fitting Punishment

    The Raven Queen didn’t care about one’s misdeeds as most other gods and goddesses, but she cared about how you felt about it yourself. Never take shame in your actions. Stand proud and follow in your path no matter where it guides you. And today Alushtas’ path lie in front of a thief carrying things…

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  • A Boy with a Recipe

    A Boy with a Recipe

    Rosana ordered whatever was on the special. Turned out to be some sort of stew that looked horrible, but tasted much better.

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  • Cold Fire Burns

    Cold Fire Burns

    I needed to chase after my things, but I couldn’t pull myself away from those eyes. The slim face that held them looked underfed and hollow. He winced as he moved away, but he never broke my gaze. 

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  • Slim Pickens

    Slim Pickens

    al’Zand hadn’t returned and Miranda was parched. She took a break, much to the house’s regret. The crowd spit and spewed words she dared not repeat — not from a lady. She scoffed in her mind.

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  • Desperate Times

    Desperate Times

    I was so tired. But the thought of running out of Tranquil drove me into the city and into the disparate locations where I might find a Boggle. In my mother’s prison, Boggle’s came to me. I might not be so lucky so far from the Leech. It felt less here, but when darkness descended…

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  • Catch a Theif

    Catch a Theif

    The city was fabulous. I hadn’t found who I was looking for. But then I hadn’t even bothered to stop and ask either. The sun sank in the sky. The moon rose and the feeling of home settled upon the land. It was comforting in the grays and the despair from the Leech, while only…

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  • Beautiful Creatures

    Beautiful Creatures

    The thief darted into the back halls and out into the alley behind the Inn. I followed at top speed, bouncing into the walls on a sharp corner, cracking whatever weakened rot fill board I’d landed against. “Fuck!”

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  • Prestidigitation


    Such a fool. Miranda watched al’Zand leave his post on the stage to chase after some ruffian. Things were replaceable. He had his lute, that’s all he needed. She’d miss the cute little outfits she’d brought, but some other person might love them more. Miranda kept all her prized possessions on her body at all…

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  • Siren’s Call

    Siren’s Call

    It was probably best to find a room. The guild would provide for one, but Rosana hoped to not be in the area for long, find the kid with the recipe and be gone by nightfall. At least, that was the plan. Ashbourne was not a place she wanted to be.

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  • Haunted One

    Haunted One

    It was so real. Like it was only yesterday when I opened my eyes and found the broken and bloodied body of my mother. The only person I knew in my entire life, and the woman who locked me up for my safety. At least that was what she said as she spat in my…

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  • A Whole New World

    A Whole New World

    This was a strange new world. The colors were so vibrant, yet the town’s folk he’d talk to said the opposite. Everything was so drab and boring. Back home there was no color, unless you counted shades of gray color.

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  • Changeling


    t wasn’t hard sneaking aboard the Cardiff. And it wasn’t hard changing my appearance as the days stayed off their stow away radar. I was just another crew member or a ghost they thought they saw.

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  • Clever Girl

    Clever Girl

    “I’ll miss you most.” she said, wrapping her arms around Captain Hellsway. He was a young sailor who inherited the ship from his father the only way pirates know how — by killing the man. It was over some treasure, but the men all knew the truth of the matter Senior Hellsway was getting too…

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  • The Great Elovars

    The Great Elovars

    The boat finally docked and Else had closed her trap long enough for us to disembark The Cardiff, but that didn’t stop her from flirting with every sailor as we left. It had been a long trip, but she was at least decent company. Not that there weren’t a few attractive men to bed down…

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  • Forward


    Friday we get to move forward with this story. AJ has a basic world. We plan on posting a page for the Riva Contingency so you can check out the world lore stuff. We appreciate you sticking around while we got this set up. We hope to tell a decent story come Monday, but we…

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  • The Goblin’s Notebook

    The Goblin’s Notebook

    AJ has been looking for a campaign manager for the DnD world she’s creating cause Dabble just isn’t cutting it for that. It is but it isn’t. AJ found The Goblin’s Notebook. She’s having fun with it. You can chain things together with relationships. There are quests and organizations, creatures and things and it’s all…

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