Catching Up

The rest of the weeks between then and my birthday went pretty much the same. Mich and I trained when we were at HQ. I did a lot of showing off of my power. Which made her all that more hot and bothered. Sex was frequent – everyday frequent. I was actually aching for a night where I didn’t start my sleep cycle with sex. I never thought I’d complain about too much sex. And I don’t think I really was now either.

The day before my birthday Michaela was out on a park ranger thing. We did a lot of that but she said I didn’t have to go. She’d be out for three days. Which would overlap my birthday – the one day we get off. The only day we get off. I got to do whatever I wanted. Which usually meant I hunt out with Sage. Since he was home schooled he could spend all day with me without interrupting his studies.

This year was the first year in a long time I wasn’t hanging out at Sage’s house. And it would be the first time I didn’t go out to a club. There was nothing near by and I wasn’t going to drive in to Boulder just so I could dance. I could do that here and drink and not have to go anywhere afterwards.

There was no one else at HQ either. It was pretty empty. All the other hunters out on missions or doing whatever it was they did in their off time. The kid at the front desk, I found out his name was Charlie. He liked to play video games which I sat and watched for about an hour before becoming completely bored and my anxiety started increasing because I was sitting still too long.

I went for a long run. Did a long relaxing stretch with a good yoga routine and then I grabbed a long hot shower. I was still bored so I grabbed the yet unread book from my bag. My favorite series had a new book published and I picked it up in the airport but I didn’t get a chance to start reading it. Now might as well be the time.

I pulled on a pair of boxers and a white tanktop and laid down on my mostly comfortable bed with The City of Fallen Angels. The fourth installment of the Mortal Instruments.

The book resonated with me in so many ways so I read.

“Just coffee, please.”

The waitress raised her penciled eyebrows. “You don’t want anything to eat?” she asked. Her accent was thick, her attitude disappointed.

Somewhere between chapter 2 and 3 I drifted off to sleep, more tired than I had thought.

4 responses to “Catching Up”

    • I am so glad you like it. I really do love the readers who are inspired to go back and read from the beginning and even more so for those that comment… so a big big thank you bows for reading and commenting.

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